No. 0645(Hạt Cát lược dịch)
Ðại tạng kinh Trung Quốc bị hỏng vì ướt nước khó phục hồi nguyên vẹn như tình trạng cũ.
By Jiang Zhuqing (China Daily)
Updated: 2005-11-28 05:36
Bản tin đăng tải trên trang Web China Daily ngày 28 tháng 11,2005
Bắc Kink- Trung Quốc. Bộ đại tạng kinh Phật Giáo quý giá hư hỏng vì ống nước bị vỡ làm ướt tại Cung Văn Hóa Quốc Gia Trung Quốc rất khó mà phục hồi giống như tình trạng cũ, tờ nhật báo Bắc Kinh gần đây đã tường trình như trên. Như một bản tin đã loan trước đây, bộ Ðại tạng kinh khắc bản gỗ này là một trong ba bộ hiếm hoi tại Trung Quốc.
Bộ kinh này nằm trong số 20,000 bộ cổ thư bị ướt trong sự cố xảy ra hôm 15 tháng 11 tại Cung Văn Hóa Trung Quốc.
Sau khi phơi khô, nhân viên tại CungVăn Hóa đang bắt đầu làm thẳng các trang sách, có khoảng từ 45,000 đến 60,000 trang kinh bị hư hỏng trong tai nạn.
Một số trang kinh đã không thể sửa chữa với chữ bị nhòe không thể nhận dạng.
Một số 20,000 bộ sách khác bị hư hỏng đã được gửi tới phòng lạnh để chống mốc meo. sẽ mất thời gian một hoặc hai năm mới hoàn tất công cuộc phục hồi toàn bộ sách vở bị hư hỏng. Nếu sự hao mòn và hư hại vẫn tiếp tục, một số các sưu tập sẽ bị mất đi giá trị di sản văn hóa của nó. Mới đây trong một bản tin ngắn đăng trên trang Web, Cung Văn Hóa Quốc Gia Trung Quốc cũng đã thiết lập một hệ thống lạnh với dung tích khoảng 150 met khối vuông để cất giữ số kinh tạng bị ướt hầu chống lại sự lên mốc lên meo ở các trang kinh bị ẩm.
Damaged scripture hard to restore
By Jiang Zhuqing (China Daily)
Updated: 2005-11-28 05:36
A precious Buddhist scripture, damaged when a cracked heating pipe flooded the basement archive of the Beijing Culture Palace of Nationalities, is hard to "restore to its original state," the Beijing News daily reported recently.
The scripture, a 300-year-old woodcut known as the "Dazangjing," was one of the only three in the country.
It was among more than 20,000 antique books soaked in the accident on November 15.
After drying the book's pages, staff at the palace are now beginning to flatten them out, said Hao, an official with the palace, who declined to give his full name.
"Somewhere between 45,000 and 60,000 pages of the Buddhist scripture were ruined during the accident."
Some of the pages are damaged beyond repair, with writing blurred beyond recognition, palace officials said.
Another 20,000 of the damaged books have been sent to cold storage for mould prevention.
It will take the palace one or two years to fully recover the ruined archives, the officials said.
Temperature and humidity systems at the palace have been repaired.
Reports said the library would thoroughly disinfect and ventilate the archives.
The accident is an example of the poor conditions at some of Beijing's museums, experts said.
One investigation suggested 70 per cent of the capital's museums suffer from problems such as lack of temperature and humidity controls and limited storage space.
The survey, conducted by Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage, indicated that only 13 of 37 municipal-level museums have temperature and humidity control systems.
To make the situation worse, only five of the 44 museums at district level have temperature and humidity control systems, the survey found.
Moreover, hundreds of thousands of relics, such as paper, bronze and iron utensils and frescos, stored in the museums are exposed to erosion and damage, said the report.
"It has become an urgent task for the city's museums to improve their situation," said the report.
"If the erosion and damage continues, some of the collections will lose their value as cultural relics."
More input should be pooled to protect the cultural relics because they represent and record the city's history, Mei Ninghua, head of the bureau, told China Daily.
Cultural experts have called for more relevant standards and regulations to ensure the improvement of the situation.
The accident at the Beijing Culture Palace of Nationalities happened at 10 am on November 15 when a hot water pipe broke, flooding the library and museum underneath the palace's theatre.
Damage to electrical and stage equipment forced all performances scheduled over the following 20 days to be cancelled, sources with the palace said.
By 8 pm, the leak had been stopped and the heating system repaired.
The palace is in the Xidan downtown area of Beijing's Xicheng District and includes an exhibition hall, a library and an opera theatre.
(China Daily 11/28/2005 page3)
China to Refrigerate Buddhist Scriptures
China Cultural Palace of Nationalities launched a project to dry and refrigerate the soaked volumes of a 270-year-old, gigantic edition of the Buddhist canon, or Dazangjing in Chinese, according to the Beijing News, reported.
The palace is to make a 150-cubic-meter refrigeratory to store nearly 20,000 volumes which were damaged by water in an accident on November 15.
Nearly 3,900 volumes of newspapers and periodicals in the languages of China’s ethnic minorities, the most seriously destroyed in the accident, have been stored in a 15-cubic-meter refrigeratory after repairs.
So far the palace’s heat and humidity preservation system has been recovered. The whole project will be completed in one or two years, said a palace official.
Updated: 2005-11-28 05:36
Bản tin đăng tải trên trang Web China Daily ngày 28 tháng 11,2005
Bắc Kink- Trung Quốc. Bộ đại tạng kinh Phật Giáo quý giá hư hỏng vì ống nước bị vỡ làm ướt tại Cung Văn Hóa Quốc Gia Trung Quốc rất khó mà phục hồi giống như tình trạng cũ, tờ nhật báo Bắc Kinh gần đây đã tường trình như trên. Như một bản tin đã loan trước đây, bộ Ðại tạng kinh khắc bản gỗ này là một trong ba bộ hiếm hoi tại Trung Quốc.
Bộ kinh này nằm trong số 20,000 bộ cổ thư bị ướt trong sự cố xảy ra hôm 15 tháng 11 tại Cung Văn Hóa Trung Quốc.
Sau khi phơi khô, nhân viên tại CungVăn Hóa đang bắt đầu làm thẳng các trang sách, có khoảng từ 45,000 đến 60,000 trang kinh bị hư hỏng trong tai nạn.
Một số trang kinh đã không thể sửa chữa với chữ bị nhòe không thể nhận dạng.
Một số 20,000 bộ sách khác bị hư hỏng đã được gửi tới phòng lạnh để chống mốc meo. sẽ mất thời gian một hoặc hai năm mới hoàn tất công cuộc phục hồi toàn bộ sách vở bị hư hỏng. Nếu sự hao mòn và hư hại vẫn tiếp tục, một số các sưu tập sẽ bị mất đi giá trị di sản văn hóa của nó. Mới đây trong một bản tin ngắn đăng trên trang Web, Cung Văn Hóa Quốc Gia Trung Quốc cũng đã thiết lập một hệ thống lạnh với dung tích khoảng 150 met khối vuông để cất giữ số kinh tạng bị ướt hầu chống lại sự lên mốc lên meo ở các trang kinh bị ẩm.
Damaged scripture hard to restore
By Jiang Zhuqing (China Daily)
Updated: 2005-11-28 05:36

The scripture, a 300-year-old woodcut known as the "Dazangjing," was one of the only three in the country.
It was among more than 20,000 antique books soaked in the accident on November 15.
After drying the book's pages, staff at the palace are now beginning to flatten them out, said Hao, an official with the palace, who declined to give his full name.
"Somewhere between 45,000 and 60,000 pages of the Buddhist scripture were ruined during the accident."
Some of the pages are damaged beyond repair, with writing blurred beyond recognition, palace officials said.
Another 20,000 of the damaged books have been sent to cold storage for mould prevention.
It will take the palace one or two years to fully recover the ruined archives, the officials said.
Temperature and humidity systems at the palace have been repaired.
Reports said the library would thoroughly disinfect and ventilate the archives.
The accident is an example of the poor conditions at some of Beijing's museums, experts said.
One investigation suggested 70 per cent of the capital's museums suffer from problems such as lack of temperature and humidity controls and limited storage space.
The survey, conducted by Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage, indicated that only 13 of 37 municipal-level museums have temperature and humidity control systems.
To make the situation worse, only five of the 44 museums at district level have temperature and humidity control systems, the survey found.
Moreover, hundreds of thousands of relics, such as paper, bronze and iron utensils and frescos, stored in the museums are exposed to erosion and damage, said the report.
"It has become an urgent task for the city's museums to improve their situation," said the report.
"If the erosion and damage continues, some of the collections will lose their value as cultural relics."
More input should be pooled to protect the cultural relics because they represent and record the city's history, Mei Ninghua, head of the bureau, told China Daily.
Cultural experts have called for more relevant standards and regulations to ensure the improvement of the situation.
The accident at the Beijing Culture Palace of Nationalities happened at 10 am on November 15 when a hot water pipe broke, flooding the library and museum underneath the palace's theatre.
Damage to electrical and stage equipment forced all performances scheduled over the following 20 days to be cancelled, sources with the palace said.
By 8 pm, the leak had been stopped and the heating system repaired.
The palace is in the Xidan downtown area of Beijing's Xicheng District and includes an exhibition hall, a library and an opera theatre.
(China Daily 11/28/2005 page3)
China to Refrigerate Buddhist Scriptures
China Cultural Palace of Nationalities launched a project to dry and refrigerate the soaked volumes of a 270-year-old, gigantic edition of the Buddhist canon, or Dazangjing in Chinese, according to the Beijing News, reported.
The palace is to make a 150-cubic-meter refrigeratory to store nearly 20,000 volumes which were damaged by water in an accident on November 15.
Nearly 3,900 volumes of newspapers and periodicals in the languages of China’s ethnic minorities, the most seriously destroyed in the accident, have been stored in a 15-cubic-meter refrigeratory after repairs.
So far the palace’s heat and humidity preservation system has been recovered. The whole project will be completed in one or two years, said a palace official.